Virtual Forum Presentation
September 6, 2000 -- 12:00 Noon Eastern Time

Islands in the (Emergency Data) Stream
Planning for Interoperability

Scott M. Eyestone, OD
Lead Functional Analyst
Consequence Management Interoperability Services (CMIS)

with introduction by

Richard D. Munnikhuysen
Program Manager, CMIS


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Slides: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

About Scott Eyestone
About Richard Munnikhuysen

Consequence Management Interoperability Services
Online Stakeholder Requirements Survey (participation encouraged)


    EIIP Virtual Forum Presentation
    Wednesday - September 6, 2000 - 12:00 Noon EDT

    Islands in the (Emergency Data) Stream -- Planning for Interoperability

    Scott Eyestone
    Consequence Management Interoperability Services

    Amy Sebring - Moderator
    EIIP Technical Projects Director

    The September 6 presentation was by a new EIIP Partner, Consequence Management Interoperability Services (CMIS). "Islands in the (Emergency Data) Stream -- Planning for Interoperability," was introduced by Dick Munnikhuysen, leader of the project team, who introduced the featured speaker, Dr. Scott Eyestone.

    The Consequence Management Interoperability Infrastructure initiative is a Congressionally funded effort. The CMIS effort is to employ modern technologies to allow diverse automated systems to "talk" among themselves despite differences in platforms, operating systems, languages, and data. There are now distributed object computing technologies that can be assembled into a single interoperability infrastructure to bridge across system differences. This means that systems can "talk" with several other systems while maintaining only one interface to the "middleware."

Lead Functional Analyst
Consequence Management Interoperability Services

Dr. Eyestone is internationally recognized for his expertise in object-oriented analysis for health care and disaster preparedness automated information systems. He is currently the Lead Functional Analyst for the Congressionally-funded Consequence Management Interoperability Services program. He recently served as functional co-chair of the health care domain task force within the Object Management Group, an international standards development organization for object-oriented technology. Dr. Eyestone has served as an architecture and standards implementation consultant to the U. S. Department of Defense (DoD) Military Health System Program Executive Office for Information Technology, and led object-oriented analysis and design teams for DoD and U.S. Government computer-based patient records systems.

Dr. Eyestone is recognized throughout DoD, The Joint Staff, and unified commands for his creative concepts in the areas of: automated planning tool development; planning factor analysis; strategic acquisition and operations planning; medical informatics; ambulatory health care; and development of the Joint Medical Planners Course curriculum. He was the functional architect and project manager for the External Logistics Processor-Medical (LPXMED), DoD's first joint medical support simulator. LPXMED is now deployed world-wide as The Joint Staff Medical Analysis Tool, a component of DoD's Global Command and Control System.

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Program Manager
Consequence Management Information Services

Mr. Munnikhuysen's professional activities focus on functional process improvement and improving business performance through the use of shared information. Much of his work relates to the logistics domain and to the use of automated systems as tools to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of logistics support. Mr. Munnikhuysen leads Battelle efforts that involve combining expertise and staff from multiple Battelle and sub-contractor organizations to meet complex market requirements. The initial effort in this endeavor is Consequence Management Information Services (CMI-Services), a US Marine Corps project to design and develop a shared information network across the national community involved in response to Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) incidents.

Mr. Munnikhuysen was Battelle's Director of DoD Operations, Information Systems Engineering Product Line between October 1992 and January 2000; and served as the line manager for Battelle's staff assigned to DoD modernization projects. As an acquisition specialist in the U.S. Navy, Mr. Munnikhuysen served in various capacities on major weapon systems acquisition projects (the AEGIS program), on technical data management initiatives and in operational assignments on various surface combatants. A graduate of the Defense Systems Management College, he is a member of the American Society of Naval Engineers, received an M.S. in Industrial Engineering from Renesselaer Polytechnic Institute, and a B.S. in General Engineering from the US Naval Academy.

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