Tech Arena Presentation
November 15, 2000 -- 12:00 Noon EST

Multi-User System for Training Emergency Response


Soren Beck
Regional Sales Manager


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About Soren Beck



EIIP Tech Arena Online Presentation
Wednesday - November 15, 2000 - 12:00 Noon EST

MUSTER: Multi-User System for Training Emergency Response

Soren Beck
Regional Sales Manager

Amy Sebring, Moderator
EIIP Technical Projects Coordinator

MUSTER is a new simulation tool for training doctors, nurses, paramedics and rescue teams in disaster medicine. In a disaster situation the decision-makers abilities to cooperate are crucial to the success of the whole operation. MUSTER is a multi-user system that allows the trainees to interact with one and another and thereby learn individual skills as well as coordinated performance as part of a larger rescue team.

MUSTER supports EMS training in many areas: Emergency Care Attendant (ECA), Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Emergency Medical Technician Intermediate (EMT-I), Basic Trauma Life Support (BTLS), Triage, Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD). Version 2.0 is scheduled to be released during January, with an Internet version planned for Summer 2001. Terrorism scenarios can be supported and a general emergency management version is under development and expected to be available in two years.


Regional Sales Manager

Soren Beck is Regional Sales Manager for MUSTER-USA. MUSTER's headquarters is based in Denmark, but it has worldwide distributors. MUSTER is a Multi-User System for Training Emergency Response software from the softwarehouse IFAD, also located in Denmark, with branch office in Seattle, WA. In addition to MUSTER, IFAD develops other high quality software products for critical applications.

Soren Beck is an experienced teaching staff member working many years for educational institutions and with a background as commander in the Royal Danish Navy. He has significant educational experience from the Danish Naval Academy where he introduced interactive education tools, Internet experience, etc. Knowledge of software languages has been achieved from technical courses in United Kingdom.

EMS experience is limited to basic courses, but Soren Beck's focus has clearly been on introducing software tools to assist modern educational institutions, faculties and training centres in a new era of educational possibilities, including stimulating educational tools and Internet-based software applications.

Soren Beck had five years experience in USA and is based in Alexandria, VA.

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IFAD is a high tech software company specialized in critical high performance software, such as logistic software for the US Joint Strike Fighter program and others. IFAD uses its own software tool (the VDMTool) for many applications, and MUSTER has also been developed by using this software tool. IFAD has a branch offices in Seattle, WA and Alexandria, VA.

IFAD has become a leading software company for simulation tools. MUSTER version 1 was the first version of a multi-user interactive simulation training software for paramedics, doctors, nurses, hospitals, EMTs, etc. (released in 1999). An improved version 2.0 will be released January 2001. An internet based version of MUSTER is planned for 2001 and a virtual reality 3D version in 2002.

The MUSTER software is installed at many hospitals/Emergency Rooms in Denmark/Europe and at Pittsburgh University, Center for Emergency Medicine. Next month a version of MUSTER will be installed at a Maryland EMS training facility. Please contact Soren Beck, [email protected], for a multi-user demonstration of MUSTER, or visit:

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