CAPT Neal Walker is an active duty Commissioned Corps officer currently serving as the Division Director for Recruitment in the Office of Commissioned Corps Operations (OCCO), Office of the Surgeon General. Prior to this current appointment in June 2006, he served in various positions including two years in the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) as Chief of the Dentistry, Psychology, and Special Projects Branch. CAPT Walker has direct responsibility for national efforts to recruit new officers and to exercise oversight for the National Associate Recruiter Program. He is directly involved in planning, organizing, developing, and executing national-level recruitment programs for the Commissioned Corps.
Trained as a ready responder, he has participated in two major deployments in Florida and Mississippi serving in a senior role as a mental health consultant and provider during a very critical time in the history of the United States. CAPT Walker witnessed a range of mental health problems among other environmental disasters resulting from the hurricane demise in Fort Pierce, Florida, New Orleans, Louisiana, and Gulfport, Mississippi.
A licensed (clinical) psychologist, CAPT Walker has served in various clinical and administrative leadership roles for more than 18 years. CAPT Walker holds several degrees including an M.S. (1986) from University of Southern California, and a Ph.D. (1993) from California School of Professional Psychology. He is a member of several associations including the American Psychological Association (APA), the National Register for Health Providers, and the Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health (SASH). At present, he is in his final semester of a two-year postdoctoral program in clinical psychopharmacology at Fairleigh Dickinson University, New Jersey.