Understanding the Gender Dimensions
of Emergency Management

Resources and Strategies for Change

Elaine Enarson, Ph.D.
Gender and Disaster Researcher

March 10, 2010

Live Meeting Recording (WMV) This is a large file and requires Windows Media Player or Windows Media Components for QuickTime, or a similar product to view.
Transcript (HTML)
Transcript (MS Word)

Related Websites and Documents:
Gender and Disaster Network
Six Principles for Engendered Relief and Reconstruction
Selected Practice Guides and Resources
Mainstreaming Gender In Emergency Management: Selected Training Resources
Gender Mainstreaming in Emergency Management Training Manual excerpts

19 Ratings Submitted
4 (21%) Academia 2 (10%)
9 (47%) Business 1 (5%)
2 (11%) Government 7 (37%)
4 (21%) Volunteers 3 (16%)
0 (0%) Other 6 (32%)

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"Excellent speaker."

"Very interesting topic! Great speaker."

"Thank you for this enlightening topic."
Laura Jull
Harrison Medical Center

"Dr. Enarson did an amazing job - fantastic webinar. I just wish we could have had more time to delve deeper into discussion. Thank you for providing this invaluable resource."
Sarah Livingston

"I thought this was a really interesting session and a great referesher for some of these issues. I would have liked to see more examples of how we can put these ideas into work and really mobilize these efforts."

"The speaker was great. This is a very timely topic that needs much more discussion and attention. Thank you!"
Denise Jernigan

"This was a great topic and one I hope we can revisit to keep it in the front of minds as we all move into a more intergrated approach to the application of our skills in this field. "
Elizabeth Davis
EAD & Associates, LLC

"Would enjoy further forums discussing more specific aspects of how gender shapes emergency management - specifically disaster recovery."
Darren Hertz

"Very good presentation. I was particularly glad to see gender not only meant male and female, but also how age affects these responses."

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Dr. Elaine Enarson received her Ph.D. from the University of Oregon and published her dissertation as Woods-Working Women: Sexual Integration in the U.S. Forest Service (1984). While in Nevada, she was the first director of women’s studies at the University of Nevada-Reno and coordinated the Nevada Network Against Domestic Violence.

Elaine is an accidental disaster sociologist whose personal experience in Hurricane Andrew sparked extensive work on gender, vulnerability and community resilience. She writes widely on social vulnerability and resilience, teaches sociology, women’s studies and emergency management independently, and develops training and planning materials for women's organizations and emergency managers.

In addition to numerous articles in the subfield, she co-edited The Gendered Terrain of Disaster: Through Women’s Eyes (1998) and Women, Gender and Disaster: Global Issues and Initiatives (2009), and is a founding member of the global Gender and Disaster Network and country-specific networks in Canada and the US.

Elaine was lead course developer of a FEMA course on social vulnerability, and has convened numerous workshops on gender and disaster risk reduction, as well as initiating and directing a grassroots risk assessment project with women in the Caribbean and the electronic Gender and Disaster Sourcebook.

After a teaching appointment in Manitoba at Brandon University’s Department of Applied Disaster and Emergency Studies, she returned to independent work based in Lyons, Colorado, where she is currently co-editing a book on Women of Katrina: The Gender Dimensions of Disaster Recovery, teaching Community Based Research for the Women’s College at the University of Denver, and writing a book on women and disaster in the US. She continues international consulting on gender and disaster risk reduction, and is developing an on-line course on the Gender Dimensions of Emergency Management.