The Four Essentials of Life
Communications, Transportation, Power, and Water

Garry L. Briese
Principal, Briese and Associates
Vice President/Co-founder, The Center for New Media & Resiliency

May 12, 2010

Live Meeting Recording (WMV) This is a large file and requires Windows Media Player or Windows Media Components for QuickTime, or a similar product to view.
Transcript (HTML)
Transcript (MS Word)

Related Websites:
"Understanding the Public Will Lead to Better Emergency Plans, Preparedness," Emergency Management Magazine article, 3/26/10
The Center for New Media and Resiliency

37 Ratings Submitted
15 (41%) Academia 4 (11%)
16 (43%) Business 6 (16%)
6 (16%) Government 14 (38%)
0 (0%) Volunteers 7 (19%)
0 (0%) Other 6 (16%)

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"Terrific review of some key planning components with some actionable steps - very insightful."

"Excellent viewpoint that I wholeheartedly agree with."

"Very thought-provoking."

"Good thought leadership. We need more of this questioning of the status quo."

"Excellent concept! It will impact the way I look at managing emergencies in the future!"
Russell Peterson
Brentwood Fire & Rescue

"Good topic - very general overview of big topics. Mr. Briese should come back and explore his four banner topics individually."

"Very good presentation and topic."

"Fabulous information. I appreciate the thoughtfulness of the presentation (i.e., attendees are not expected to process & repeat, but to process & ACT)."
Sherilyn Burris

"Very good. Thank you Amy and Avagene for your continued good work with the EMFORUM."
Lloyd Bokman

"Very thought provoking."

"Finally someone has realized that people will do want they believe is "most important to them" during a time of crisis. We cannot make them do what we want them to do. People will regress back to their comfort level. Great job Garry."
Vance L. Duncan III
City of Erie, Bureau of Fire

"I could not get the audio to work, so must go hear the recording. Did get to ask one question & will home for a great answer to be heard!"
Dick Bolt
Retired NASA Engineer

"Nice to find someone else who thinks Outside the Box. I do simulation support to EM/HLS exercises and training and am amazed at how we refuse to even consider what you discussed today. If we don't train to reality, reality will drive the train."
Bruce K. Bickel

"This call helped remove some blinders and stress the direction to help with our goals. In health care we are strong advocates of disaster response and we must be prepare for all contingencies when entering a response zone. Getting the information out to the public is going to be critical for future emergency response scenarios. The Disaster Response is only as good as the preparation."
Clay Hathaway
Fresenius Medical Care

"1. Garry's message is one that needs broad and frequent dissemination. I hope his slides are available along with the recording. I'd like to e-mail it (or a link) to many. 2. I'd like to see emergency generators/fuel tanks/water tanks be a required part of all new home/condo construction, or at least an option for those who are contracting to build or renovate a home. This could be part of DHS/FEMA's National Recovery Framework effort. 3. I'd like to see businesses and/or power companies offer package deals for home emergency generators, any required wiring/installation to plug it into the home electrical system, with an option to have it checked/tested/fueled periodically by trained techs. This could be part of DHS/FEMA's National Recovery Framework effort."
Mike Calvert

"Frustrating number of unattributed statistics and factual assertions in presentation....otherwise quite thought provoking."
J. De Francisco
Dir. of Emerg. Mngt. Madison County, NY

"Garry's presentation was one of the best I have heard on this program. I am now retired but am still interested in how I can get the word out to my family and friends on ways to prepare to protect themselves."
Ken Knipper
Retired EM

"Your presentation was an eye opener, gave me some new ideas on how to better prepare for our county emergency management response."
Tomas R. Sanchez, Jr., EMC
Kleberg & Kenedy Counties, Texas

"Very relevant to my field and very thought provoking! Garry did a great job!"

"The presentation hit on some of the fatal flaws in our current emergency management structure. We need more voices like this educating the masses (particularly our leadership). Great job!"
Jeffery Camplin

"This is 'out of the box' thinking at its best."
Mel Brackman
Lutheran Ministries of AL

"Great food for thought, and action. I agree on the preparedness kit cost--prohibitive for a lot of folks."
Jan Purdue
Tuscon County EMA, CERT

"Excellent presentation. I missed the slides, but the ideas Mr. Briese presented, especially about imagining no power for long periods of time and managing multiple emergency incidents at once, were especially pertinant in New Orleans following the failure of the federal levee system and the susequent flooding of 80% of the city. Communications failed, batteries died, cell towers (even those with backup generators) had no power, and of course, no gas for miles around the city. The EOC and the military, once they arrived, had back-up generators, but for the residents, lack of power and water were the most basic reasons keeping residents from returning home sooner. Mr. Briese's suggestion to imagine life without electricity is a great on for anyone involved in emergency planning. It is amazing how quickly a society can slip into a "Mad Max" world without it. Thank you for continuing to present such timely, excellent forums."
Kathrine Cargo
Orleans Parish Communication District

" I thought the presentation was very insightful. I personally was using the old "special needs" definition rather than the more up to date description used in the presentation."

"I originally would have thought shelter would have been in the top 4 priorities, but after reading through the lecture, I was suprised on the findings and many of the statistics. This information does tend to make you question past programs and future planning priorities. Good info."
Jay VanHoose

"Interesting facts. "

"A very big eye opener of some underlying issues that have really always been present. And how we actually address these will take some serious contemplating."

"I agree with the fact that we need to listen to public issues. Sometime we do not pay enough attention to the public's day to day needs."

"The discussion hit on several items that I believe many new EM's are more willing to address. We need to communicate within the EM community and also the general public. I give public talks on flood risk management and repeat that the three most important items I see are our need to communicate, educate, and then mitigate. It isn't enough for us to sit back and say post event that 'we told them what to do' - we need to be more realistically prepared."

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Garry L. Briese is the Vice President co-founder of The Center for New Media & Resiliency and a Principal in the professional services and consulting company, Briese and Associates.

In April 2008, he was appointed by the Secretary of Department of Homeland Security as the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Regional Administrator for DHS/FEMA Region 8, for Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota & South Dakota. This position is the senior DHS/FEMA official in the Region and he served until January 2009.

Prior to coming to DHS/FEMA, he served as Vice President, Emergency Management & Homeland Security for ICF International, a Fairfax County, Virginia based, NASDAQ-listed professional services corporation.

Garry served as the Executive Director of the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) from 1985 to 2007. Previously Mr. Briese served as the Executive Director of the Florida College of Emergency Physicians and he has over 36 years’ experience in all levels of emergency services including local, state, national and international.

He is a well known author and lecturer on leadership and on the future challenges for the fire and emergency services community and has co-authored two first responder emergency medical textbooks as well as an innovative textbook for the basic training of fire fighters. He developed several innovative programs such as the Fire Service Leadership Partnership Program, an internationally recognized labor-management relations program, and the National Fire Service Near Miss Reporting System.

Garry has served as both a career and volunteer firefighter as well as the publicly elected chairman of the Board of Fire Commissioners of a fire protection district in Orange County, Florida. He is a member of the Advisory Board to the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation and is a member of the Board of Directors of the IAFC Foundation.