Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources
Protection and Resilience

Darrell L. Darnell
Associate Vice President for Safety and Security
George Washington University

June 23, 2010

Live Meeting Recording (WMV) This is a large file and requires Windows Media Player or Windows Media Components for QuickTime, or a similar product to view.
Transcript (HTML)
Transcript (MS Word)

Related Websites:
National Security Strategy, May 2010
National Infrastructure Protection Plan, 2009
Sector-Specific Plans
State and Local Guide, September 2008

25 Ratings Submitted
3 (12%) Academia 3 (12%)
13 (52%) Business 0 (0%)
9 (36%) Government 16 (64%)
0 (0%) Volunteers 1 (4%)
0 (0%) Other 5 (20%)

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"Useful. Thanks."
Rob Littrell
Ada City-County Emergency Management

"Informative presentation ... good job! Thanks Amy and Avagene for bringing it to us."
Lloyd Bokman

"I'm new to this subject, so it was educational regarding the differences between protection and resilience. The concept of graceful degradation was also entirely new to me."

"It was a good presentation concerning what is needed to get the private and public sectors to work together to enhance the country's infrastructure."
Albert D. McLaurin

"This is an extremely important topic. It ties in well with DHS' Long Term Disaster Recovery Framework project ( It is difficult to mitigate in advance because of the focus on "the bottom line" and the short-term focus of most politicians (the next election). Recovery issues (rebuild better, rebuild the same, or degrade gracefully?) are better addressed in advance. After a catastrophic event, the population and government has scattered and many will not return. Unfortunately, addressing these issues in advance requires some new laws or ordinances, or changes to existing ones. It doesn't matter what the plans say, it's what the laws say. Post-catastrophe, it may be extremely difficult to get a quorum of the city council or state legislature, much less get a decision from anyone."
Mike Calvert

"I wish he would have discussed the effects of geomagnetic solar storms and EMP attacks on the electrical grid. These have been seriously neglected in our society."
John Hoyle
[Note: You may be interested in a previous program on Space Weather and Critical Infrastructure.--ajs]

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Darrell Darnell recently accepted a position with George Washington University as Associate Vice President for Safety and Security. Previously, he served as Director for Critical Instrastructure Protection and Resilience Policy with the White House National Security Staff.

Mr. Darnell is a former Director of the District of Columbia Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency (HSEMA) and Director of the Urban Areas and Exercise Program at IEM, a Louisiana-based national disaster and homeland security consulting company. Prior to joining IEM, Mr. Darnell spent eight years in the federal government, first at the US Department of Justice and then at DHS. At DHS he served as director of the Preparedness Division for the DHS Headquarters Operational Integration Staff and also worked with the Office for State and Local Government Coordination and Preparedness (OSLGCP) in the planning and implementation of National Preparedness programs in partnership with state and local governments throughout the nation.

Prior to his assignment to the I-STAFF, Mr. Darnell served as the Local Programs Division Director within the State and Local Program Management Division at OSLGCP, where he oversaw the development and implementation of anti-terrorism and counter-terrorism preparedness programs within the nation's local urban areas. Mr. Darnell was also a lead training program specialist with OSLGCP, where he helped state and local emergency responders and public safety officials develop training and technical assistance programs to address Weapons of Mass Destruction response planning and emergency preparedness.

Mr. Darnell was a 2006 senior fellow at the George Washington University Homeland Security Policy Institute and a Founders Award recipient from the Naval Postgraduate School's Center for Homeland Defense and Security for his role in the development of the first Master of Arts degree program in Homeland Security and Defense, offered by the Naval Postgraduate School on behalf of DHS.