NOAA's Coastal Services Center
Building the Foundation for Hazard and Climate Resilient
Coastal Communities

Margaret Davidson
Director, Coastal Services Center
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

July 28, 2010

Live Meeting Recording (WMV) This is a large file and requires Windows Media Player or Windows Media Components for QuickTime, or a similar product to view.
Transcript (HTML)
Transcript (MS Word)

Related Websites:
Coastal Services Center
Coastal Services Center Publications
Coastal Climate Adaptation
Digital Coast
Subcommittee on Disaster Reduction (SDR)
National Research Council, America's Climate Choices
Deepwater Horizon / BP Oil Spill Response

18 Ratings Submitted
5 (28%) Academia 1 (6%)
2 (11%) Business 2 (11%)
9 (50%) Government 12 (66%)
2 (11%) Volunteers 1 (6%)
0 (0%) Other 2 (11%)

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"Good information about databases."

"I learned quite a bit from this workshop -- especially about the tools offered through the NOAA Coastal Services Center. I am always amazed by the quality of information and training materials found on this website -- sometimes overwhelmed. This was a great introduction to some of these tools. Thanks!!"
Julie Dennis
Florida Department of Community Affairs

"Ms. Davidson provided information on a wealth of resources."

"As a public educator I found the session to be of interest. I will share the transcript and website with others on our staff that may not have been able to attend. I believe the information contained within will be helpful to their programs and staff. "
Rosanne Garrand
WA State EMD

"Very good presentation."
William Warren

Dr. Jacqueline McBride

"I would love to hear more!"
Clarence Elliott

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Margaret Davidson has been an active participant in coastal resource management issues since 1978, when she earned her juris doctorate in natural resources law from Louisiana State University. She later earned a master's degree in marine policy and resource economics from the University of Rhode Island.

Davidson served as special counsel and assistant attorney general for the Louisiana Department of Justice, and was the executive director of the South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium. She joined NOAA as the director of the NOAA Coastal Services Center in 1995, a position she continues to hold. During this time she also served as the acting assistant administrator for NOAA's National Ocean Service from 2000 to 2002. She holds a faculty appointment at the University of Charleston and serves on the adjunct faculties of Clemson University and the University of South Carolina.

Davidson has served on numerous local, state, and federal committees and has provided leadership for national professional societies. She has focused her professional work on environmentally sustainable aquaculture, mitigation of coastal hazards, and impacts of climate variability on coastal resources.