Building Community Disaster Resilience
Through Private-Public Collaboration

William H. Hooke, Ph.D.
Chair, Committee on Private–Public Sector Collaboration to Enhance
Community Disaster Resilience
Senior Policy Fellow and Director, American Meteorological Society

Sammantha L. Magsino

Program Officer/Study Director
Board on Earth Sciences and Resources
National Research Council

April 13, 2011

Live Meeting Recording (WMV) This is a large file and requires Windows Media Player or Windows Media Components for QuickTime, or a similar product to view.
Audio Podcast (MP3)
Transcript (HTML)
Transcript (MS Word)

Related Websites:
Building Community Resilience Through Private-Public Collaboration
Report Highlights
Workshop Report

Applications of Social Network Analysis for Building Community Disaster Resilience
Safeguard Iowa
Tulsa Partners
National Reseach Council's Board on Earth Sciences & Resources
Increasing National Resilience to Hazards and Disasters Project

30 Ratings Submitted
4 (13%) Academia 3 (10%)
18 (60%) Business 6 (20%)
7 (23%) Government 15 (50%)
1 (3%) Volunteers 2 (7%)
0 (0%) Other 4 (13%)

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"Thank you for another excellent Forum."
Dan Iradi

"As always Bill is a wonderful speaker."
Ellis Stanley

"Awesome!!! It would be great if there was a training program for this topic."
Dr. Jacqueline McBride

"Nice job! Thank you."

"Thank you; it would have been even more useful if I weren't multi-tasking..."
Joseph Murray
Oregon Emergency Management

"Perhaps the most significant item for me was the necessity of building resilient individuals and families if we are ever to have resilient communities. That was well done and very helpful."
Charlie Hanson
Montana DES

"I really like to hear more about wide and diverse partnerships. Especially the importance of including disenfranchised groups in these partnerships."
Therese Quinn
Snohomish County Medical Reserve Corps

"I read the report when it was published and very much enjoyed this presentation today."
Tom Fahy

"Good information. Need to improve these links in our community."
John Cutler

"Very informative."
Marilyn Hilliard
FEMA Region I

"The format of the presentation was great. Especially the format of the questions that were asked."

"Very informative. Thanks for providing this program in a manner we can all participate in."

"Illuminated a key aspect and provided resources to explore further."
Elizabeth Malone
NHS of East Flatbush

"Very helpful! Thanks!"
William R. Cumming
The Vacation Lane Group, Inc.

"Social network analysis seemed very interesting. The implementation steps suggestions for overcoming obstacles seemed too vague to be actionable. I would love information on practical guidance that may be available."
Emily Meyer
Florida Division of Emergency Management

"Thank you, interesting presentation. Did you include Emergency Managers as part of the committee? DHS funded-I would hope that this is shared at state and local levels.This would be good info to share at the EMI Higher Education Conference, first week in June. It's possible that someone could still present - it's VERY relevant to the cutbacks in government at all levels right now. I would like to know how I can help with future research and have worked for the last ten years trying to bring public and private sectors closer together!"
Susan Sanderson
Sanderson Associates

I found the presentation very informative and believe that there are some ideas that can be used here in Canada.
Lynn Orstad

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William H. Hooke has been a senior policy fellow at the American Meteorological Society since June, 2000, and director of the Policy Program since July, 2001.

His current policy research interests include: natural disaster reduction; historical precedents as they illuminate present-day policy; and the nature and implications of changing national requirements for weather and climate science and services. He also directs AMS policy education programs, including the AMS Summer Policy Colloquium, and the AMS-UCAR Congressional Science Fellowship Program.

From 1967 to 2000, Dr. Hooke worked for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and antecedent agencies. After six years of research, he moved into a series of management positions of increasing scope and responsibility. From 1973 to 1980, he was Chief of the Wave Propagation Laboratory Atmospheric Studies Branch. From 1980 to 1983 he rotated through a series of management development assignments. From 1984 to 1987 he directed NOAA's Environmental Sciences Group (now the Forecast Systems Lab), responsible for much of the systems R&D for the NWS Modernization, as well as a range of other weather and climate research activities. From 1987 to 1993 he served as the Deputy Chief Scientist and Acting Chief Scientist of NOAA, setting policy and direction for $300M/year of NOAA R&D in oceanography, atmospheric science, hydrology, climate, marine biology, and associated technologies.

Between 1993 and 2000, he held two national responsibilities: Director of the U.S. Weather Research Program Office, and Chair of the interagency Subcommittee for Natural Disaster Reduction of the National Science and Technology Council Committee on Environment and Natural Resources.

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Sammantha L. Magsino is a program officer with the National Research Council Board on Earth Sciences and Resources. She has directed the activities of NRC study committees that have resulted in reports such as Building Community Disaster Resilience through Private-Public Collaboration, Applications of Social Network Analysis for Building Community Disaster Resilience, and Contributions of Land Remote Sensing for Decisions about Food Security and Human Health, among others.

Before coming to the National Research Council, she was a geologist with the Washington State geologic survey where she produced earthquake hazard maps and served as a technical advisor for the state on volcanic hazards. She was previously the science coordinator for a National Science Foundation facility at The University of Texas at Austin conducting aerogeophysical surveys in Antarctica, and has worked for the Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses at the Southwest Research Institute conducting geophysical investigations in support of geologic hazard assessment near the proposed Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Facility. She holds M.S. and B.S. degrees in geology from Florida International University.