Talking Hazards Group Discussion
Planning the Future of the USGS Natural Hazards Mission Area

Christina Neal
Geologist, Alaska Volcano Observatory
U.S. Geological Survery

Anne M. Wein, Ph. D.
Operations Research Analyst, Western Region Geographic Science Center
U.S. Geological Survery

May 25, 2011

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Discussion Questions

Related Websites:
USGS Emergency Response Resources Fact Sheet, July 2011
USGS Start With Science
Submit Feedback to USGS
USGS Circular 1309, Facing Tomorrow's Challenges --USGS Science in the Decade 2007-2017

16 Ratings Submitted
0 (0%) Academia 2 (12.5%)
8 (50%) Business 2 (12.5%)
6 (37.5%) Government 8 (50%)
2 (12.5%) Volunteers 2 (12.5%)
0 (0%) Other 2 (12.5%)

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"As an Emergency Manager in California, I use the USGS regularly to promote Disaster Preparedness to everyone, because we know that the "Big One" will never happen here. Thank you for your work."
Jeff Robinson
El Segundo Fire Dept.

"Great program as usual. I find the information invaluable. I really like the polling questions and results. I would like more in-depth polling selections for the questions."
Ron Hood

Steven McGee
SAW Concepts LLC

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Question 1: For those hazards in which USGS has a role, what are the priority issues?

Question 2: What future USGS investments in hazards science will have the greatest return?

Question 3: How can the USGS improve the access and usability of its natural hazards science information to make the greatest positive societal impact?

Question 4: What partnerships will be essential to inform policy and actions?

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Christina (Tina) Neal is a geologist with the U.S. Geological Survey’s Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) at the Volcano Science Center in Anchorage. She began her career with the USGS in 1983 at the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory working on Kilauea Volcano’s east rift eruption and mapping of Kilauea’s southwest rift zone. In 1990, Tina joined the relatively new AVO where she has conducted geologic mapping and studies of eruptions and unrest at Redoubt, Spurr, Aniakchak, Black Peak, Semisopochnoi, Augustine, and Okmok volcanoes.

She is an expert on volcanic ash and aviation safety and interagency coordination during volcanic eruption response. From 1998-2000, she served as the first Geoscience Advisor to the Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA). In 2004, she spent 2 months as a Science Fellow at the U.S. Embassy in Quito, Ecuador working on volcano hazard mitigation. Tina leads USGS/AVO’s cooperative work with Russian volcanology counterparts at observatories in the Russian Far East.

Originally from Connecticut, she has a Sc.B. from Brown University, an M.S. from Arizona State University, and she did additional graduate study at U.C. Santa Barbara.

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Anne M. Wein is an Operations Research Analyst employed by the Western Region Geographic Science Center, Menlo Park CA. She has analyzed agricultural, manufacturing, computer, environmental, geologic, and economic systems from positions in industry, academia, and government. The common thread has been undertaking quantitative analysis within an interdisciplinary research environment to inform decision-making.

Her current activities entail coordination of economic consequences for natural hazard scenarios and a national assessment of carbon sequestration potential in ecosystems.

Anne holds a Ph.D. in Decision Sciences, from the Graduate School of Business of Stanford University (1988).