May 13, 1998 Special Presentation

by Wayne Blanchard, PhD, CEM

Higher Education Project Manager
FEMA, Preparedness, Training and Exercises Directorate

FEMA's Higher Education Project


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About Wayne Blanchard
FEMA's Higher Education Project
May 1998 Project Status Report
Course Announcement


EIIP Virtual Classroom Online Presentation
May 13, 1998 - 12:00 Noon EDT

FEMA'S Higher Education Project


Dr. Wayne Blanchard
Higher Education Project Manager
Emergency Management Institute - National Emergency Training Center
Federal Emergency Management Agency - Preparedness Directorate

Dr. Wayne Blanchard, Higher Education Project Manager, FEMA, Preparedness Directorate, was interviewed in the Virtual Classroom about the background, status and vision for FEMA's Higher Education Project. Wayne explained that FEMA is encouraging emergency management-related courses and degree programs in U.S. colleges and universities to expedite higher education in the field and contribute to continued professionalism to meet the need for a more skilled emergency management community due to an increase in disasters and hazards which makes us a more vulnerable society.

The Certified Emergency Manager (CEM) program, managed by the International Association of Emergency Managers (formerly NCCEM) for several years is now impacting the emergency management job market as a requirement in some jurisdictions and companies. Wayne expressed his hope that eventually those who do the hiring can and will hire professionals with a BA degree in emergency or crisis management. Wayne explained that three college-level courses are complete and at least 16 others are currently in development. The goal of the Higher Education Project is to have a degree or certificate program for emergency or crisis management in every state. According to a map displayed during Dr. Blanchard's Virtual Library interview, a majority of States do have a program of some sort ranging from non-academic diplomas and certificates to Masters.


Higher Education Project Manager
FEMA, Preparedness, Training and Exercises Directorate

Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1980. BA in Political Science, UNCC, 1974. FEMA staff since May, 1980 (National Preparedness Directorate, State and Local Programs Support Directorate, Office of Emergency and Public Information, Preparedness, Training and Exercises Directorate). Higher Education Project Manager. Developed and managed FEMA's Family Protection Program (1987-1994). Director's Meritorious Service Award (1992). NCCEM CEM certification (1993). American Red Cross volunteer and on ARC national DSHR roster (mass care/shelter operations) since 1990. Disaster experience: Hurricane Andrew, Mid-West Floods of '93, and the '94 Northridge Earthquake.

Wayne Blanchard
[email protected]

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